Updated: 20 January 2020
1. “Bidder” means person, natural or juristic, who has registered to purchase on this Website;
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4. "the Company" means Dealers Bid (Pty) Ltd t/a DealersOnline;
5. "CPA" means the Consumer Protection Act, 68 of 2008 and can be accessed at http://www.info.gov.za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=99961;
6. "Contract" means any contract or agreement arising out of the acceptance of any offer, whether that contract arises out of an offer made by the Company and accepted by the Customer, or an offer made by the Customer and accepted by the Company;
7. "ECTA" means the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act, 2 of 2002 and can be accessed at http://www.info.gov.za/view/DownloadFileAction?id=68060;
8. "Effective Date" means the date of payment of the approved bid purchase price;
9. "FICA" means the Financial Intelligence Centre Act, 38 of 2001 and can be accessed at https://www.fic.gov.za/DownloadContent/LEGISLATION/ACTS/01.a38-01b.pdf;
10. "Goods" means the motor vehicles, yellow metal and/or any other item listed for sale on the Website;
11. "its" shall include "his" and "her";
12. "party" shall mean the Buyer, the Seller and/or the Company and includes "parties";
13. "Regulations" shall mean the regulations to the CPA and can be accessed at http://www.polity.org.za/article/consumer-protection-act-682008-regulations-gazette-no-34180-regulation-293-2011-04-01;
14. "Reserve Price" means the minimum VAT inclusive price at which the Seller is prepared to sell the Goods;
15. "Seller" means the seller of the Goods and may include the Company;
16. "User" means the user, juristic or natural, of the Website and includes the Buyer and the Seller;
17. "Website" means https://www.commercialonline.co.za/
END DATE OF ONLINE AUCTION: ……………………………………………………………………
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31.1 Any bid activity in last five (5) minutes, will result in an extension of 5 (5) minutes until activity ceases.
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36. Every bid shall constitute an offer to purchase the lot for the amount bid, which the Seller or the Auctioneer may accept or reject in their absolute discretion. The Seller and the Auctioneer are entitled, in their absolute discretion to withdraw the lot from sale prior to acceptance by the Seller unless the Seller instructs the Auctioneer to accept a lower bid.
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41. The purchase price of each item will be paid by the Buyer via electronic funds transfer or credit card, immediately on conclusion of the auction. NO CASH PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED.
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43. Foreign Buyers wiring funds will be charged an additional R1000.00 per wire transfer, to cover bank charges, email confirmation of wired fund transfers must be provided.
45. All items are sold “Voetstoots” (As is Where is with no duty to repair) and the risk in each item passes to the highest bidder upon acceptance of the highest bid by the Seller.
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51. Any Buyer of a motor vehicle or yellow metal that will involve road usage, acknowledges and agrees that it accepts responsibility to take all steps reasonably required to attend to the registration of the vehicle into its (the Buyers)name within 21 calendar days from the day of the auction.
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